Thursday, June 23, 2011

Navy Admiral Tours John Deere Factory during Quad Cities Navy Week

By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Sean Gallagher, Navy Office of Community Outreach Public Affairs

DAVENPORT, Iowa (NNS) -- Commander, Strike Force Training Pacific, toured the John Deere Davenport Works facility June 17, as part of Quad Cities Navy Week 2011.

Rear Adm. Thomas Cropper, commander Strike Force Training Pacific; was giving a brief introduction to the facility by management, followed by a tractor-driven audio tour of the production floor featuring the many facets of John Deere equipment. The tour spanned the length of four separate buildings and included previews of the construction of the company's latest equipment.

The Navy participates in many outreach events at Navy Weeks, including interacting with local corporate leaders to talk about what their Navy does for them. Cropper, a longtime fan of the company, said he was excited to get the chance to tour the factory.

"They've taken their corporate culture, from the president on down to the work floor and reinforced it," said Cropper. "Everything you see is a good lesson and reassertion of what we do in the Navy."

After returning from the factory, Cropper met with John Deere executives to discuss the Navy's mission and how it protects America's shipping lanes. Cropper was well-received by the management and employees at the facility and extended the Navy's message that it fights on the water, under the water and over the water to protect the investments companies make in their products.

"It is an absolute honor to be hosting the Navy and Rear Adm. Cropper here at Davenport Works," said Mike Mack, president of Worldwide Forestry and Construction for John Deere. "You can't imagine the positive effects it has on our employees to have the Navy here."

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