Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Baltic Operations 2011 Tests Interoperability

From Commander Carrier Strike Group 8 Public Affairs

USS MOUNT WHITNEY, At Sea (NNS) -- Commander, Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 8, visited ships participating in the serial phase of Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) 2011, June 7-13.

Rear Adm. Clifford Sharpe, commander CSG 8, is in operational control of units participating in BALTOPS 2011, and his staff developed the scenario for the exercise.

Traveling by helicopter or rigid hull inflatable boat (RHIB) from USS Mount Whitney (LCC 20), Sharpe visited 20 ships from 11 different European nations. During each visit, he met with commanding officers and crew members, toured the ship, and received a brief about its capabilities and missions.

Ensuring multinational interoperability is one of the key objectives of BALTOPS 2011. While visiting each vessel, Sharpe asked officers for their comments and input on the exercise.

"Our objective is to meet the needs of all participants," said Sharpe. "These visits provide a way for commanders to let me know how my staff can help them achieve their training and operational goals."

In addition to visiting USS Philippine Sea (CG 58), and USNS John T. Bobo, Sharpe visited ships from Denmark, France, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Estonia, and Russia. His tour included an oiler, a squadron of minesweepers, a landing ship, corvettes, destroyers, frigates, and patrol boats. He also witnessed several gunnery exercises and a mine countermeasures demonstration.

Accompanying Sharpe were members of his staff and an interpreter when needed.

BALTOPS 2011 is a multinational exercise focusing on ensuring peace and security in the Baltic Region. Maritime operations continue until June 17, when the ships return to Kiel, Germany.

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