Friday, May 13, 2011

USS Robert G. Bradley Departs Casablanca

By Ensign Sean McMahon, Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa/U.S. 6th Fleet Public Affairs

CASABLANCA, Morocco (NNS) -- USS Robert G. Bradley (FFG 49) departed Casablanca, Morocco, after completing a theater security cooperation visit, May 11.

While in Casablanca, Robert G. Bradley hosted a reception aboard the ship, participated in a community relations (COMREL) project, and trained a Moroccan visit, board, search, and seizure (VBSS) team.

Sailors were given the opportunity to tour Casablanca, and experience the Moroccan culture. Seventeen Robert G. Bradley Sailors were involved in a COMREL where they painted classrooms and repaired school desks.

"The COMREL project in Casablanca was very rewarding for Robert G. Bradley Sailors," said Chief Logistics Specialist Ed Lafond, Robert G. Bradley's COMREL coordinator. "The Moroccan primary school's teachers and students were very enthusiastic upon our arrival and treated our Sailors well."

After leaving Casablanca, Robert G. Bradley participated in a passing exercise with Moroccan Naval vessel, Hassen II. This gave the VBSS team members from both nations a chance for some very important at-sea training.

"The maritime interdiction operations boarding events that were conducted with Hassan II today, brought forward a great opportunity to work with a partner nation," said Lt. j.g. Jim Carles, USS Robert G. Bradley VBSS boarding officer. "It expanded both navies' [VBSS] capabilities and was a good opportunity to work with one another prior to the Phoenix Express exercise in June."

Robert G. Bradley, an Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate, is homeported out of Mayport, Fla., and is on a scheduled deployment to the U.S. Naval Forces Africa area of responsibility.

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