Wednesday, May 11, 2011

USFF/CNIC Complete HURREX Citadel Gale 2011

From Commander, Navy Installations Command Public Affairs

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFF) and Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) completed HURREX/Citadel Gale 2011, May 3.

The annual Hurricane Preparedness Exercise is designed to prepare the Navy to respond to weather threats to U.S. coastal regions, and to maintain the ability to deploy forces even under the most adverse weather conditions.

"HURREX/Citadel Gale 11 provided a focused Shore Response Training Plan event to afloat and shore-based commands using simulated hurricane threat scenarios," said Randy Morgan, CNIC Training and Readiness.

"Exercising preparation and responses to natural disaster scenarios enhances our readiness to deal with weather threats to U.S. coastal regions and our ability to deploy forces in adverse weather conditions. During times of natural disaster, we are committed to working with local authorities. We remain committed to the safety, security and accountability of our Sailors and Navy family members during natural disasters such as hurricanes."

The objectives of this exercise included improving awareness of:

• the Navy's capabilities to protect personnel and family members, and to support requests from civil authorities when responding to threats of a natural disaster

• the actions the Navy is taking in responding to the threat of natural disaster, and

• the necessity of updating Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS) information prior to natural disasters.

HURREX/Citadel Gale 2011 involved two simulated storm systems developing and intensifying to hurricane strength, threatening Naval District Washington, Caribbean Islands, East Coast, and Gulf Coast regions. The exercise was carried out April 25 through May 3.

Navy Fleet units and personnel in Navy District Washington, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic, and Navy Region Southeast participated in the exercise. HURREX/ Citadel Gale 2011 included reviewing and exercising heavy weather instructions, procedures and accounting for Navy personnel and their family members in the affected region through the NFAAS system.

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