Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Today in the Department of Defense, Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates and Deputy Secretary of Defense William J. Lynn have no public or media events on their schedules.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen hosts an honor cordon to welcome Australian Chief of the Defense Force Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston to the Pentagon at 10:30 a.m. EDT. The cordon will be held on the steps of the Pentagon River Entrance. Journalists without a Pentagon building pass will be picked up at the Pentagon River Parking Entrance only. Plan to arrive no later than 30 minutes prior to the event; have proof of affiliation and two forms of photo identification. Please call 703-697-4272 for escort to the cordon.

Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) Jonathan Woodson; Surgeon General of the Army, Lt. Gen. Eric B. Schoomaker; Surgeon General of the Navy, Vice Adm. Adam M. Robinson, Jr. and Surgeon General of the Air Force, Lt. Gen. Charles B. Green testify at a hearing of the House Appropriation Committee on the defense health programs' fiscal 2012 budget at 10 a.m. EDT in Rayburn Office Building, room 2359.

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