Friday, May 27, 2011

Memorial Day message from the Adjutant General of Wisconsin

As our nation prepares to observe Memorial Day and remember those who died in service to our nation, it is important for us to remember as well. The Wisconsin National Guard has a proud legacy of service to our nation in times of conflict. It includes the famed "Iron Brigade" - those damn "Black Hats" - who fought with valor in the Civil War. It includes the rich heritage of the Red Arrow Division with service in WW I, WWII and most recently with the Brigade in Iraq. It includes the 115th Fighter Wing and the 128th Air Refueling Wing, who have deployed continually since Desert Shield/Desert Storm. In fact, every unit in the Wisconsin National Guard has deployed forces in support of the global war on terror - many more than once.

Our legacy as citizens willing to serve as Soldiers and Airmen and answer our nation's call is not risk free. Our formations count many who have died in service to our nation - many who gave the last full measure as President Lincoln so eloquently spoke in July of 1863. Today's service is no different. Nine soldiers of the Wisconsin National Guard have paid the ultimate price in Iraq and Afghanistan. Let us remember our fallen comrades and keep faith with their families.

Thank you for your continued selfless service. On this Memorial Day, let us remember all of our comrades, the men and women who died defending our great nation. It is right that we remember.


Donald P. Dunbar
Brigadier General (WI)
Wisconsin National Guard
The Adjutant General

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