Wednesday, May 04, 2011

May - A Month of Appreciation and Remembrance

By Navy Adm. Mike Mullen
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

 America's support means so much to our military. In fact, as I travel the world to visit our men and women in uniform, what they want to know most is, "Are the American people still with us?"
I tell them that you are.

May is set aside as Military Appreciation Month to offer each of us the opportunity to recognize, honor, and show support for all who wear and have worn the uniform, along with the incredible families who serve alongside them.

Throughout the month, communities across the country will host events and activities at baseball games, auto races, concerts, parades and more to celebrate our troops and their families.

We will specifically recognize the extraordinary contributions and dedication of military wives and husbands on Military Spouse Appreciation Day on May 6, followed by Armed Forces Day on the 21st and culminating with Memorial Day weekend at the end of the month and the National Moment of Remembrance at 3 p.m. on the 30th.

Each of these days has a distinct and well-deserved focus. But they all share in common real human stories of sacrifice and service. Through these personal stories, we can hear the testimonies of those -- present and past -- who have given so much of themselves, including those who have given all.

We must never forget these men and women nor their families -- particularly our wounded warriors and the families of the fallen, whose lives and dreams have been forever changed by the sacrifice of their loved one.

As we enjoy everything that May has to offer and march towards the joys of summer, we can each reach out to show support in various ways, to listen to their special stories and to offer a simple "thanks for your service."

The Joint Chiefs of Staff and I salute our military and their families this month and every month, and just as importantly, we thank each of you for taking the time to show your support and care for those who do so much to take care of us.

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