Monday, May 23, 2011

Governor Walker thanks National Guard troops

By 1st Sgt. Vaughn R. Larson
Wisconsin Army National Guard

The commander-in-chief of the Wisconsin National Guard expressed his appreciation to some of those citizen Soldiers May 20 as part of Armed Forces Week.

"I wanted to come by and offer my thanks on behalf of my family and on behalf of the state of Wisconsin," Gov. Scott Walker said during a brief visit to Joint Force Headquarters in Madison. "We appreciate the commitment you make, the excellence you bring — we don't take that for granted."

Walker spoke of attending numerous sendoff ceremonies and funerals for fallen service members when he served as Milwaukee County executive.

"I like the welcome home ceremonies best of all," he said. "I consider every one of you my guys. As commander in chief, I won't be satisfied until everyone who is currently deployed is welcomed home."

Brig. Gen. Don Dunbar, adjutant general of Wisconsin, recalled how Walker reached out to him shortly after winning the election last year with the idea of holding a tailgate party for the troops during the Jan. 1 Rose Bowl game.

"His appreciation for the military is real," Dunbar said.

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