Sunday, May 08, 2011

Family Matters Blog: President Honors Military Spouses

By Carol L. Bowers
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, May 6, 2011 – Just as service members serve our nation every day, so, too, do their military spouses. In recognition of their significant daily contributions, President Barack Obama has proclaimed today Military Spouse Appreciation Day.

“On Military Spouse Appreciation Day, we have an opportunity to not only honor the husbands and wives of our service members, but also thank them by actively expressing our gratitude in both word and deed,” Obama said in the proclamation. “We can show our appreciation in countless ways, from offering to help with household maintenance and childcare to encouraging the community involvement and career development of military spouses.”

Here at Family Matters, we encourage you to reach out to military spouses not just today, but every day. We also invite you to send us suggestions about ways to provide support and encouragement to military spouses throughout the year.

Meanwhile, be sure to read Obama’s full proclamation.  Also, check out the related AFPS Web special reports: “Strengthening Our Military Families” and “Joining Forces”

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