Thursday, May 26, 2011

Aviation Officer Bonus Rates to be Restructured

From Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- In response to increased retention of pilots and naval flight officers (NFOs) at the department head and command levels, the Navy announced May 18 in NAVADMINs 168/11 and 169/11 that it has restructured the Aviation Career Continuation Pay (ACCP) program for fiscal year 2011.

Changes were announced in NAVADMIN 168/11 for active duty aviators and in NAVADMIN 169/11 for full-time support (FTS) aviators.

"Providing appropriate incentives to retain skilled personnel for critical naval aviation billets is essential to maintaining combat readiness," said Rear Adm. Tony Kurta, the director of military plans and policy for Chief of Naval Personnel. "Through a balanced bonus program, the Navy is able to retain a sufficient number of eligible pilots and naval flight officers through department head and command milestones."

To ensure an efficient use of funds, the fiscal year 2011 bonus program includes a general reduction in bonus amounts, as well as the alignment of available bonuses for department heads by aircraft type, model and series.

For fiscal year 2011, department head bonus amounts are as follows:

- All helicopter pilots, $10,000 per year;
- EA-18G and EA-6B electronic air attack (VAQ) pilots, $15,000 per year; VAQ NFOs, $20,000 per year;
- E-2C carrier airborne early warning (VAW) and C-2 fleet logistics support (VRC)
pilots, $5,000 per year; VAW NFOs, $5,000 per year;
- FA-18 strike fighter (VFA) pilots, $25,000 per year; VFA NFOs, $10,000 per year;
- P-3C patrol (VP) pilots, $10,000 per year; VP NFOs, $10,000 per year;
- EP-3 air reconnaissance (VQ) pilots, $10,000 per year; VQ NFOs, $10,000 per year;
- E-6A airborne communications (VQ [T]) pilots, $5,000 per year; VQ (T) NFOs, $5,000 per year.

Previous bonuses were $25,000 per year for all pilots and $15,000 per year for all NFOs, regardless of airframe.

The department head bonus will no longer be offered with a lump-sum option. Additionally, the payment schedule has been adjusted and these officers will receive a reduced amount until they are department head screened.

The fiscal year 2011 ACCP program also makes bonuses available for lieutenant commanders and commanders who are serving at sea, but not on a long-term contract.

Two-year contracts for non-command tours at sea have been reduced to $5,000 per year in fiscal year 2011 from $10,000 in fiscal year 2010.

At-sea command bonus levels remain unchanged for fiscal year 2011. Three-year contracts for at-sea operational or operational training command tours will pay $12,000 per year.

As in fiscal year 2010, O-6 aviators will not be eligible for ACCP bonuses.

FTS aviators will be eligible for bonuses of $10,000 per year in department head and officer-in-charge categories, with contracts for command tours offered only for operational or operational training squadrons at $12,000 per year.

An aviation officer has two opportunities to sign an ACCP contract – the first in the year prior to expiration of his or her minimum service requirement and the second in the year the MSR will expire.

Fiscal year 2011 ACCP applications must be received by Sept. 23 for active duty aviators and Sept. 24 for FTS aviators.

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