Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Save the Date - Oct. 15, 2011 and commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Wisconsin Army National Guard's Berlin Crisis mobilization

In September 1961 about 10,000 32nd Infantry Division Soldiers from the Wisconsin Army National Guard were alerted to an impending call-up and then ordered to report to active duty at Fort Lewis, Washington on October 15, 1961.

Please plan on joining us Saturday, October 15, 2011, in Camp Douglas, Wis., at the 32nd Infantry Brigade’s headquarters for a special day to commemorate the selflessness, dedication and duty of these Wisconsin citizen-Soldiers 50 years ago.

More details to follow in the coming weeks and added to our special event Berlin Red Arrows website. 

Please forward to fellow Veterans, friends and family and encourage anyone interested in receiving more information to sign up to receive text/email notifications of "Berlin Red Arrows" updates by subscribing via

Sent on behalf of the Wisconsin National Guard by
Jackie Guthrie
LTC, Wisconsin National Guard
Director of Public Affairs

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