Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Naval Postgraduate School Welcomes Former Astronaut as New Dean of Students

By Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Leonardo Carrillo, Naval Postgraduate School Public Affairs

MONTEREY, Calif. (NNS) -- A former astronaut and Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) alumnus presided over the school's graduation ceremony as the school's new dean of students March 25.

The graduation was the first under command of Capt. Alan Poindexter.

During the ceremony, Poindexter reflected on his new position and the opportunity he'll have to shape Navy leaders.

"I'm very glad to be back serving in this position," said Poindexter. "I think it's a great opportunity for me to lead and influence officers as they're going to school here. I think I have a lot to offer them and I hope I can serve them and help them make their way through the school."

A veteran NASA astronaut who commanded the STS-131 mission, one of five final space shuttle missions, Poindexter attributed part of his success to the technical education he received at NPS.

"The technical knowledge and the technical education certainly assisted me," said Poindexter. "I learned about systems management, systems engineering and it allowed me to be more analytical in my thought process. So when I became a project officer and then an astronaut, I was able to think through problems and find a solution. My NPS education was instrumental in my follow-on tours."

Poindexter considers education to be an important part of an officer's career path and summed up his thoughts on that subject in one word -- critical.

"Critical," he stated. "I think it's critical. Graduate education is one of the key items in an officer's bag of tools as he or she progresses in their career. Whether it be in engineering, management, business or one of the many other great degrees we offer here, it will serve the individual and the Navy or their service very well to have that capability and that background."

Poindexter affirmed that his strategic goal is to continue to serve the student population. He said that it was his job to ensure that the students reach their educational goals and succeed, while at the same time making sure that their families are taken care of.

"My job is leadership," said Poindexter. "I have to make sure that students make it through the school successfully and graduate on the other end with a diploma in their hand. But it's also important not to forget to take care of your family and enjoy Monterey. We're really blessed to be in such a great area, and so while we're focused a lot on our academic future, we also need to remember that we're in Monterey and can take some time off and enjoy where we are."

In addition to the educational and auxiliary benefits NPS offers, Poindexter said that the school also offers a unique environment, an environment in which students get to interact with officers from different backgrounds.

Poindexter suggested that students make use of this unique environment by participating in courses outside of their curriculum, as well as the Enrichment Week activities, and also to get to know their classmates from other services and countries. This is one of many ways in which NPS has evolved, Poindexter said, while the school is a naval institution, it has greatly expanded its student base.

"Take advantage of the opportunity to interface with people from all over the world and from our other services," said Poindexter. "Learn from their experiences as well as your own and broaden your network … you can learn a lot from them.

I'm really honored to be back here in this job working for the school and working for the students," he continued. "I have an open door policy and I would be glad to talk with or counsel anyone, and I hope that I can influence them in some small way."

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