Friday, April 22, 2011

"Murph Express" Helps San Diego Sailors Help the Environment

By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class (SW) Eva-Marie Ramsaran, Navy Public Affairs Support Element - West

SAN DIEGO (NNS) -- With Earth Day on April 22, the Navy and San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) are reminding local service members that they offer military personnel and Department of Defense (DoD) employees a non-stop, premium bus service that is both environment-friendly and cost-effective.

The limited express transit service, known as the "Murph Express," is available to assist all active duty service members and DoD civilian employees including non-appropriated fund (NAF) personnel living in Murphy Canyon Navy Housing with their commute to Naval Base San Diego and other local naval facilities in the San Diego area.

According to officials, with the rising gas prices in the state of California, taking advantage of public transportation and carpooling is cost-efficient and better for the environment.

"The purpose of the Murph Express is to get cars off the road; alleviate traffic congestion within the community, freeway and on-base," said David Love, Transportation Incentive Program (TIP)/ Rideshare Installation program manager for Naval Base San Diego. "This helps to provide a cleaner environment, reduce the carbon footprint and can save the participant more than $1,500 per year in commuting costs."

The Navy, MTS and San Diego Association of Governments, who administers the San Diego Regional Commuting Assistance Program, have partnered together to improve commuter travel between the largest naval housing area in San Diego to Naval Base San Diego and other naval facilities within the downtown metropolitan area by implementing the bus service.

"Murph Express" offers amenities such as air conditioning, reclining seats and is bike-friendly.

"The most important benefit of the Murph Express is that it is entirely free to active duty military personnel and civilian employees upon submission of an application through the Navy's transportation incentive program," said Love.

To enroll in the program, visit , to obtain the TIP application and follow the submission procedures. All TIP applications must be turned in to Naval Base San Diego Transportation Incentive Program office, at Waterfront Recreation Center, Bldg. 45. Upon submission of the application, all applicants will receive a Compass Card and may begin riding immediately.

The Navy is committed to energy security, energy efficiency and environmental stewardship as means to conserve natural resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lessen dependence on fossil fuels.

The Navy is on track to sail the 'Great Green Fleet' by 2016 -- composed of nuclear ships, surface combatants and aircraft operating on a 50/50 blend of biofuel and petroleum.

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