Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Today in the Department of Defense, Thursday, March 24, 2011

Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates is traveling.

Deputy Secretary of Defense William J. Lynn has no public or media events on his schedule.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen delivers remarks at at the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress 44th Annual Awards Dinner and accepts the Eisenhower Award on behalf of the U.S. Armed Forces at the Willard Hotel, Washington, D.C.  Media interested in attending should contact Jonathan Murphy at 202-872-9800 ext 223.

U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. John "Red" Walker, commander of Mehtar Lam Provincial Reconstruction Team in Regional Command-East, accompanied by Governor of Laghman province, Mohammad Iqbal Azizi, will brief the media live from Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, at in the Pentagon Briefing Room (2E973) to provide an update on current operations. Journalists without a Pentagon building pass will be picked up at the River Entrance only.  Plan to arrive no later than 45 minutes prior to the event; have proof of affiliation and two forms of photo identification.  Please call 703-697-5131 for escort into the building.

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