Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Power Consumption Drops at Japan Naval Base

From Naval Facilities Engineering Command Far East Public Affairs

YOKOSUKA, Japan (NNS) -- The U.S. Navy base in Yokosuka reduced its daily consumption of electrical energy by 74 percent since the 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami struck northern Japan March 11.

The energy manager on base explained that the base, one of Tokyo Electric Power Company's major customers, took measures to reduce consumption in order to free electricity for other needs.

"The U.S. Navy wants to help our neighbors who are making sacrifices for the good of Japan during this critical time," said Thomas Bawden, Fleet Activities Yokosuka energy manager.

"Just as we see users in the local community turning off lights and curtailing their power use, we are joining the effort to do the same," he said.

Average daily consumption of electrical energy for the base in March 2010 was 280,000 kilowatt-hours.

Since the earthquake on March 11, power consumption has steadily declined.

On March 23 power consumption was 72,500 kilowatt-hours, a 74 percent decrease from the March 2010 average.

"From the very beginning of these devastating events Fleet Activities Yokosuka wanted to help contribute in any way we could to support the community we are very much a part of," said Capt. David Owen, Commander, Fleet Activities Yokosuka.

"Vigilance in securing lights and other electrical sources we do not absolutely need, along with suspending activities such as night time sports to conserve electricity vital to impacted areas for recovery, are vital to the relief cause," he said.

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