Wednesday, March 23, 2011

NPC Clarifies Japan PCS Stop Movement

From Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs Office

MILLINGTON, Tenn. (NNS) -- In the wake of an immediate stop movement order, Navy Personnel Command (NPC) has provided clarification for Sailors with orders to Japan in NAVADMIN 100/11 released March 23.

As directed in NAVADMIN 084/11, the Navy has issued a temporary stop movement order for all personnel scheduled to report to Japan as either an ultimate duty station or an intermediate duty station in conjunction with a permanent change of station (PCS) move.

Under the new guidance, commanding officers and officers-in-charge in the affected areas are now able to request waivers and operational holds to fill critical billets. Further, the new message adds clarity regarding Sailors who have orders to Japan, including adding Immediate Superior-in-Commands (ISIC) and Navy Operations Support Commands (NOSC) as places where Sailors can report. The message also includes information about intermediate duty stations, guidance regarding placing Sailors on temporary additional duty (TAD) and changes the accounting code receiving commands should use to classify those Sailors on orders to Japan.

"We want Sailors to know that we're in constant contact with forces in Japan and that our decisions are based on the best information and assessments available," said Capt. Robert Weitzman, NPC director of Distribution Management. "As the situation changes we'll keep you updated."

Commanding officers and officers in charge who want a waiver to the stop movement for critical billets should request one through their chain of command. The Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet is authorized to approve or disapprove waiver requests.

Approvals will be sent through record message traffic and will specify whether the member is authorized to bring family members. Upon approval, Personnel Support Detachments (PSD) will process Sailors to transfer.

Personnel with orders to commands in Japan who have not yet detached from their current command are directed to remain in place unless their orders direct them to report to intermediate duty stations en route. Those Sailors should execute their orders and will stop at their final intermediate station.

Ships and embarked units getting underway and that cannot retain detaching Sailors should put those service members on TAD orders to the Beach Detachment or the ISIC until further notice. Commands who gain these Sailors should notify NPC immediately.

Members who have detached from their command, but have not left their homeport area should check into their previous duty station, local transient processing unit (TPU) or ISIC.

Members who have already detached from their command and have commenced travel to Japan, should report to the nearest naval installation or NOSC.

Members assigned overseas, other than Japan, and who have orders to Japan should contact NPC for specific guidance.

Installations, ISICs, NOSCs, TPUs and Beach Detachments who receive these Sailors, are directed to place them on TAD orders under Accounting Classification Code (ACC) 350. This is a change from the previous NAVADMIN. This ACC better fits the status of those Sailors affected by this message.

According to the message, there are two categories of personnel affected by the message: those with orders to areas other than the island of Honshu (such as Okinawa and Sasebo); and those with orders to Honshu (Atsugi, Misawa and Yokosuka).

Service members who have orders to areas other than Honshu are not eligible for authorized allowances – they receive the normal permanent change of station allowance. Since all entitlements are dependent on personal circumstances, Sailors should read the message and NAVADMIN 084/11.

For questions regarding allowances, members should contact their nearest disbursing office or PSD.

The stop movement does not impact Sailors with outbound orders from Japan, and they should continue to execute their orders.

Commands are directed to make every effort to contact affected Sailors in order to advise them of the contents of this message and have them contact NPC.

Sailors who have already shipped household goods (HHG) and vehicles to Japan should contact the Naval Supply Systems Command HHG helpline at 1-800-444-7789 or e-mail at

For more information, members or commands should contact the NPC Emergency Coordination Center at 1-877-414-5358 or via e-mail at Sailors are also reminded to log into the Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System at to help the Navy track and assess support requirements. Further questions can be directed to the NPC Customer Service Center at 1-866-U-ASK-NPC (866-827-5672).

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