Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Homes for Wounded Heroes

Military Warriors Support Foundation, a non-profit organization which provides support for wounded military members, is giving away a 100% mortgage free home to a wounded hero and their family! The home is a beautiful 1-story home in San Antonio, TX.

In addition to receiving the home, the family will receive 3 years of home and financial mentoring to set them on a path of success for the future!

For requirements and how to apply, visit http://MilitaryWarriors.org/OpenHomes. Click on the picture of “Texas #6”. There you can find additional pictures and information about the home, as well as be able to download the application.

*Applications must be in by 11:59pm CST on Sunday, April 3, 2011.*

For any questions, please call our office @ 210.615.8973, or send an email to Support4WW@MilitaryWarriors.org.

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