Tuesday, March 29, 2011

DOD Launches Online Career Transition Training for Service Members

The Department of Defense today announced the launch of an online Career Decision Toolkit that will allow service members to self assess transition needs and thoroughly explore an array of transition related subjects such as: career exploration, financial planning for transition, job search success, effective resumes and cover letters, interviewing excellence, and negotiating your ideal compensation.

 “The toolkit is customized to a service member’s own transition needs and assists them in cataloguing their military skills and experience in a way that helps them effectively communicate their skills to prospective employers,” said John R. Campbell, deputy assistant secretary of defense for wounded warrior care and transition policy.

The online toolkit will deliver 24-hour global access to career transition training to service members who are not geographically able to attend Transition Assistance Program (TAP) classes traditionally offered at military installations.  The toolkit’s online launch also marks the second phase of a major redesign of the Defense Department’s main career transition website,  and a cornerstone of the transformation of TAP into a blended delivery model that takes advantage of online resources, as well as a virtual classroom settings and platforms to enhance the traditional “brick and mortar” TAP experience that most service members receive.

Originally released in compact disc format last August, the Career Decision Toolkit was developed by the DoD’s Office of Wounded Warrior Care and Transition Policy in collaboration with Departments of Veterans Affairs and Labor to assist separating, demobilizing, retiring and wounded service members, and their families, to effectively navigate their course to civilian employment and educational opportunities.

For more information on the online Career Decision Toolkit, visit http://www.turbotap.org or contact Office of Wounded Warrior Care and Transition Policy at 703-428-7649 or warriorcare@osd.mil.

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