Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wisconsin National Guard always ready, always there

Wisconsin National Guard Public Affairs Office

 "The Wisconsin National Guard has not been mobilized for state active duty," said Brig. Gen. Don Dunbar, the adjutant general of Wisconsin and commander of the Wisconsin National Guard. "We remain in our normal state of readiness."

The Wisconsin National Guard's 10,000 Soldiers and Airmen, 800 of which are on active duty, are always ready to support civil authorities when the president of the United States or the governor of Wisconsin declares an emergency.

Over the past decade alone, Wisconsin National Guard troops have deployed in support of the global war on terror and for state and federal emergencies such as floods, blizzards and tornadoes. Wisconsin National Guard members have also supported Southwest border operations, Hurricane Katrina response, North Dakota flooding, Kentucky ice storms, Haiti earthquake relief efforts, and Deep Water Horizon air space management.

"We are always ready to provide citizen-Soldiers and citizen-Airmen anywhere, at any time, to support community, state and federal missions," Dunbar said. "This is the mission of the National Guard."

This article was sponsored by Military Books.

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