Saturday, February 05, 2011

VADM Currier Tours New Headquarters' Construction Site


VADM J.P. Currier today visited the construction site of the new Coast Guard Headquarters building on the historic St. Elizabeths Campus, in Anacostia, South East Washington, DC. He was joined by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Undersecretary for Management, Mr. Rafael Borras, for an executive level project overview of the future Coast Guard Headquarters building on the St. Elizabeths Campus. Following the meeting, Shapour Ebadi, GSA Deputy Regional Commissioner in the National Capital Region of GSA's Public Building Service led a short tour of the construction site and the historic St. Elizabeths Campus.

The new Coast Guard Headquarters will be a part of the consolidated U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) headquarters campus being developed on the historic St. Elizabeths Hospital site; approximately 2 miles from our current Coast Guard Headquarters building. The campus will be developed in phases and, when complete, will support a population of 14,000 employees department wide. The Coast Guard will be the first to occupy the site scheduled for 2013.

Pictured left to right are Under Secretary Borras, VADM Currier, and Mr. Ebadi overlooking the construction site.

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