Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fiscal Year Recruiting, Retention Remain on Track

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Feb. 15, 2011 – Fiscal 2011 recruitment and retention remained high throughout the services through January, with all active and reserve-component services meeting their recruiting goals, Pentagon officials announced today.

The fiscal year began Oct. 1 and ends Sept. 30.

All four active-duty services met or exceeded their numerical recruitment goals through January. As of Feb. 1, the Army had 21,485 new recruits for fiscal 2011. The Navy had 9,651, the Air Force had 8,526, and 9,550 people had signed up for the Marine Corps.

The numbers reflect 100 percent of the recruitment goal for the Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps, and 102 percent for the Army, officials said. Each active duty service also met or exceeded its fiscal retention goals through January, they added.

All six reserve components also met or exceeded their numerical recruitment goals through January. Here are the numbers of new recruits in fiscal 2011 for the reserve components:

-- 18,641 for the Army National Guard;

-- 10,149 for the Army Reserve;

-- 2,581 for the Navy Reserve;

-- 3,672 for the Marine Corps Reserve;

-- 2,198 for the Air National Guard; and

-- 3,038 for the Air Force Reserve.

Those numbers reflect 100 percent of the goal for the Navy Reserve, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve; 115 percent for the Marine Corps Reserve; 110 percent for the Army Reserve; and 105 percent for the Army National Guard.

All of the reserve components were considered to be within acceptable limits of attrition through January, officials said.

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