Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Trident Refit Facility Divers Participate in Tampa Bay Navy Week

By Stacey Byington, Trident Refit Facility Public Affairs

TAMPA BAY, Fla. (NNS) -- Six Navy divers from Trident Refit Facility, Kings Bay, Ga., are diving in the Florida Aquarium through Jan. 29, as part of Tampa Bay Navy Week 2011.

Led by Chief Navy Diver Kevin Moore, the divers are demonstrating their skills and equipment twice a day in the aquarium's Coral Reef exhibit, at and

In addition to the dives in the aquarium, the divers also have several media appearances, both in the aquarium and at Tampa network studios, and they are participating in several community service projects.

"Tampa is an exciting town, and we are delighted to be able to participate in Tampa Bay Navy Week," said Moore. "This is a great opportunity to show what Navy divers do. A couple of our divers brought their family members, and it was the first time some of them had seen us dive."

The Tampa Bay Navy Week celebration, held during the Gasparilla Pirate Festival, kicked off Jan. 22 and runs through Jan. 29. The week-long event gives area residents an opportunity to meet some of the Navy's Sailors and learn about the Navy's critical mission and its broad-ranging capabilities.

The U.S. Navy conducts approximately 20 Navy Weeks each year, reaching out to communities across the country to show Americans the investment they have made in their Navy. During a Navy Week celebration, the Navy concentrates a variety of outreach events in a metropolitan area, sharing the Navy story with as many people as possible.

In addition to the Trident Refit Facility divers, other Navy personnel participating in Tampa Bay Navy Week include the USS Constitution, the oldest commissioned warship in the U.S. Navy, special performances by Navy Band Southeast and other units from all over the region. Senior Navy leaders are engaging with local corporate, civic, government and education leaders during the week.

Other cities and states hosting a 2011 Navy Week are Austin, Texas; Mississippi; Dallas-Fort Worth; Denver; New Orleans; Philadelphia; Chattanooga, Tenn.; the Quad Cities; Chicago; Rochester, N.Y.; Detroit; Los Angeles; Fargo, N.D.; Indianapolis; Cincinnati; Omaha, Neb.; New England; Albuquerque, N.M.; El Paso and San Antonio, Texas.

Detailed information on Tampa Bay Navy Week and the other Navy Weeks can be found at the Navy Week website, www.navyweek.org.

For more news from Navy Office of Community Outreach, visit www.navy.mil/local/navco/.

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