Wednesday, January 05, 2011

NPC Search Engine Give Sailors Resources

By Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class (AW) LaTunya Howard, Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs

MILLINGTON Tenn. (NNS) -- In 2011, Navy Personnel Command (NPC) recommends that Sailors take advantage of the search engine available at

This search engine, called "Knowledge Base," is available to answer Sailors' personnel questions.

"The Knowledge Base is really easy to use and it was created to supplement our customer service efforts," said Vincent Vuketich, of the NPC Customer Service Center (CSC). "A Sailor can call the CSC or email us for information, but they don't have to. The Sailor can go to research and answer his or her own questions online 24/7."

NPC has a Knowledge Base team that works daily to keep the database current with continuous updates of Navy regulations and instructions.

"KB (Knowledge Base) is an online tool, public facing, and can be accessed from anywhere in the world," said Vuketich. "Sailors, retirees and their families can ask essentially any question they want about the Navy. The system uses keywords to generate a solution to their question."

Sailors can access the Knowledge Base by visiting the NPC website and by clicking on the 'Ask NPC a Question' icon in the upper right corner of the page. In fiscal year 2010 the self-help page received more than 14,000 visits.

"This system has been up and running for approximately eight years now," said Vuketich. "We currently have nearly 1,000 solutions, but we are always interested in hearing from the fleet about additional solutions that are needed."

Solution categories range from advancement and promotions to education or career information. Sailors can also search for Navy programs, pay and benefits or NAVADMINS.

"Our goal is to meet Sailors' needs by providing them instant access to relevant Navy information any time they need it from anywhere in the world," Vuketich said.

For more information, contact the CSC at 1-866-U-ASK-NPC, via email at or online at the NPC website.

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