Monday, January 31, 2011

Know a Hero? “DCoE in Action” Wants Your Nominations

We know that there are many people who work hard to make a difference in the lives of service members and military families each day, and we want to recognize them. The January edition of “DCoE in Action” launched a new feature in the newsletter, “Hero Spotlight”.

It’s simple. Here’s how it works.

Each month, “DCoE in Action” will spotlight a service member, veteran, spouse, caregiver or community member who, by their efforts and support related to psychological health and/or traumatic brain injury concerns, is nominated by YOU as a hero.

To submit your nominee, you’ll need to tell us why you think he or she should be spotlighted and what makes them a hero to you and others. If you know someone who you think would be a great candidate, we want to hear from you. Go to to fill out nomination form.

We can’t wait to learn about the heroes in your lives and thank you for your continued support! Submit your nominee today!

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