Sunday, December 26, 2010

SEAL Doc: The Story of the First US Navy SEAL Team in Vietnam

Lieutenant Commander Donald R. Davis, MSC, USN (Ret), Ph.D is the 1235Th US Military Service member to be added to, his book joins the the 3925 books listed. He is the author of SEAL Doc: The Story of the First US Navy SEAL Team in Vietnam.

According to the book description, "A small team from the US Navy arrives in Vietnam in the spring of 1962. At first, its members only hear whispers about what they are supposed to accomplish. The unit goes by the name MTT 10-62 because its mission is so secret. This is the first Sea, Air and Land team—later known as the SEALs—and it’s gearing up to train a group of volunteers from the Vietnamese Junk Force in counterinsurgency and maritime warfare.

Told mostly through the perspective of Chris “Doc” David—a first class hospital corpsman, first class diver, and diving medical technician—and Lt. Bill Evans, SEAL Doc shows how the first SEALs work in conjunction with Army Special Forces and others to stop the spread of communism. While the SEALs are outstanding fighters and tacticians, they get little material support to accomplish their mission. The team arrives in Da Nang with nothing but stateside uniforms, and their vehicles and gasoline must be “liberated” from Vietnamese motor pools. Meanwhile, the daily challenges the SEALs face are preparing them for a final explosive mission and setting the stage for the future development of Navy SEALs in SEAL Doc, a historical novel based on the true story of the SEALs."

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