Thursday, December 09, 2010

Air Force Selects Preferred Alternative Base for C-27J Training Aircraft

The Air Force announced today that it has chosen Key Field Air National Guard Base, Miss., as the preferred alternative base for the C-27J training aircraft.

The secretary of the Air Force and the chief of staff of the Air Force carefully considered the site survey results, mission-specific objective criteria, and other military judgment factors in making this preferred alternative decision.

 “This base is the right location for these two C-27J training aircraft,” said Kathleen Ferguson, deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for installations.  “This will provide the Air Force with the appropriate synergy to accomplish its mission.”

This announcement is not a final basing decision.  Selection is subject to completion of the environmental impact analysis process.  Pending completion of the analysis, the Air Force intends to beddown two training C-27Js, with aircraft arriving in the second half of fiscal 2014.

For questions regarding this release, please contact Air Force Public Affairs at 703-695-0640.

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