Friday, November 19, 2010

Riverine Squadron 1 Returns Home

From Navy Expeditionary Combat Command Public Affairs

NORFOLK, Va. (NNS) -- Riverine Squadron (RIVRON) 1 returned to Naval Station Norfolk, Va., Nov. 13, following a deployment to Iraq.

During RIVRON 1's nearly seven-month deployment, its mission was to train Iraqis to provide their own maritime patrol element and to prevent smugglers and violent extremist networks from moving dangerous materials throughout the country's waterways.

"I'm excited for what the Riverines have accomplished and what we've done for the Iraqis, which is giving them the tools to do this job and carry on," said Cmdr. Craig Hill, RIVRON 1 commanding officer.

Hill pointed out the vitality of the waterways in Basrah, emphasizing the geographical advantage Iraqi security forces have in conducting maritime security missions.

"The rivers can be used for transporting legitimate products and communication, or they can offer a means of moving accelerants of violence," Hill said. "What [RIVRON 1] has done is provide the Iraqi security forces the training to ensure the waterways are used for the right reasons."

During the deployment, the squadron completed more than 150 missions, more than 145 convoys, more than 110 shoreline sweeps in support of coalition and Iraqi security forces, conducted 170 days of training for local forces and more than 90 hours of airtime from unmanned aerial vehicles.

Assigned to Riverine Group 1, under the command of Navy Expeditionary Combat Command, RIVRON 1 serves as a direct action unit, designated to serve as a maneuver element to conduct combat operations and augment land forces.

This deployment marked the third for RIVRON 1 since the command's establishment in May 2006. Each of the three Riverine Squadrons has served multiple deployments in Iraq, maintaining a continual presence in the region.

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