Thursday, October 21, 2010

Navy Selects First Submarines for Female Officer Assignments

From Commander, Submarine Group 10 Public Affairs

KINGS BAY, Ga. (NNS) -- USS Wyoming (SSBN 742) and USS Georgia (SSGN 729) homeported in Kings Bay, Ga., and USS Maine (SSBN 741) and USS Ohio (SSGN 726) homeported in Bangor, Wash., are the initial four submarines that have been selected to integrate female officers into their crews.

The blue and gold crews of the four submarines will each be assigned three female officers.

Two of the women will be submarine officers, and the third female officer will be a warfare qualified supply officer.

They will be assigned to their first submarine duty station after completing training, which consists of nuclear power school, prototype training and the Submarine Officer Basic Course. They are expected to report to their assigned submarines beginning December 2011.

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