Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Coast Guard Heroes

Written by: LTJG Stephanie Young

“There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.” –Alexander Hamilton

The Coast Guard’s history shines with such acts of bravery that the “father” of the Coast Guard Alexander Hamilton speaks of and these acts will forever be remembered as the Coast Guard’s new Sentinel-class cutters take the namesake of Coast Guard heroes and their valiant deeds.

These acts performed by men and women in the course of their everyday duties displayed devotion to duty and responsibility to the citizens of the nation for which they served. For some, their life-saving actions and heroic efforts resulted in the ultimate sacrifice of their life.

From the 19-year old, just one year out of boot camp, who remained aboard his sinking vessel so his crew could escape, to the lighthouse keeper who rowed two hours in a squall as she searched for a naval aviator whose plane went down, these heroes evinced astounding, and enormously humbling acts of bravery.

For many of these heroes, their powerful stories have long gone untold. But, with the arrival of the new Fast Response Cutter (FRC), their names and legends will enter the collective conscious of our service as all 58 planned FRCs will be named for the service’s heroes. We are proud to unveil the names of the first 14 FRCs here on Compass.

Bernard C. Webber
Richard Etheridge
William Flores
Robert Yered
Margaret Norvell
Paul Clark
Charles David
Charles Sexton
Kathleen Moore
Joseph Napier
William Trump
Isaac Mayo
Richard Dixon
Heriberto Hernandez

As individuals these valiant men and women earned a Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Gold Lifesaving Medal, Silver Star, Navy Cross and Marine Corps Medal. These medals represent their personal bravery and sacrifice, but their legacy and the service’s legacy will carry on in the form of the Coast Guard’s newest patrol boats. Their names will continue to stand for freedom and the country for which they so loved.

“There is no better embodiment of the Commandant’s vision of the Coast Guard being defined by its missions, people and heritage than the naming of the new FRC’s after Coast Guard heroes,” said Master Chief Michael P. Leavitt, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard. “We honor these heroes who have given so much and inspire future Coast Guard men and women.”

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