Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wisconsin Guard responding to Arcadia flooding

The Wisconsin National Guard has deployed vehicles and personnel to assist local authorities due to flooding in Trempealeau County this morning.

Gov. Jim Doyle declared a state of emergency for Trempealeau County following strong storms that drenched the area with six inches of rain, resulting in flooding. The flooding prompted the evacuation of downtown Arcadia, which was under as much as three feet of water earlier today, and also washed out roads and bridges, downed power lines and damaged infrastructure in Trempealeau County.

Heavy rains are expected to continue throughout the day and possibly overnight. At noon Thursday the Trempealeau River was nearly six inches past flood stage and is expected to continue rising for the next 24 to 48 hours. However, water levels have subsided as much as nine inches in areas where the rain has diminished.

Gov. Doyle directed state agencies to assist local authorities in recovering from this natural disaster.

"State Emergency Management and DNR officials are already on the ground, working with the National Guard to assist in recovery efforts," Doyle said. "The state will continue to do everything we can to help the people and communities affected by last night's storms make a quick recovery."

Brig. Gen. Don Dunbar, adjutant general of Wisconsin, said the Wisconsin National Guard is ready to assist state and local authorities as long as needed.

"This is the core of our mission - taking care of Wisconsin citizens in times of need," Dunbar said. "Our Guardsmen are at the ready."

The Wisconsin National Guard sent two 5-ton trucks, one Light Medium Tactical Vehicle, one Humvee and a heavy equipment wrecker along with 12 personnel, four cases of MREs and 120 gallons of potable water to Arcadia. Guard members were assisting local law enforcement operate three traffic checkpoints and escort families to their homes if needed. Most of the Soldiers were sent from an Army National Guard field maintenance shop in Eau Claire.

Additional Guard members are preparing to relieve those already on site, should assistance operations continue into the evening.

The Eau Claire chapter of the American Red Cross has established an emergency shelter at the National Guard armory in Arcadia, with approximately 10 volunteers to care for up to 40 evacuees. Earlier today, 50 people were being sheltered at Holy Family Church in Arcadia.

The State Emergency Operations Center in Madison has been activated, and the Wisconsin National Guard's Joint Operations Center is monitoring the situation and coordinating assistance with the incident commander. The Joint Staff liaison team arrived on the scene just before noon.

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