Wednesday, September 22, 2010

USCGC Escanaba Trains with Colombian and Honduran Navy

Written by: LT Connie Braesch

USCGC Escanaba recently participated in a multilateral naval exercise with the Colombian and Honduran Navies. The goal of the multilateral exercise was to compare drug interdiction policy, practice pursuit tactics and techniques, and improve communication as a whole between our respective units. Over the course of the three day exercise the U.S., Colombian, and Honduran forces did just that.

The exercise involved the Honduran Patrol Vessel, Tegucigalpa, Colombian patrol boats, the Escanaba and our small boat. Working together with so many units in such close proximity required good communication and planning, which was accomplished and augmented throughout the successful exercise. The international teams were able to practice and train with each other’s vessels, increasing familiarity among the different maritime services – a quality that will be incredibly valuable should the need arise to work together in actual operations.

“It was really interesting to see that [the Colombian Navy] used similar small boat tactics to the ones we use,” said Petty Officer 2nd Class Kline, an Escanaba small boat team member.

The exercise was a great opportunity not only for us to practice our tactics and strategies with other nations but also to share efforts to stem of the flow of drugs in the Caribbean.

In the period leading up to the actual exercise there was ample time for the respective forces to meet and exchange information as well as pleasantries. Several crew members and members of the command were able to tour the Colombian and Honduran vessels and stations.

During a shore side visit, our Captain, Commander Edward Westfall, was interviewed by the local Colombian media. The press release can be read in English here and in Spanish here.

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