Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Marine Corps Leaders, Education Officials Present Scholarships

By Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jacob D. Osborne
Defense Media Activity – Marine Corps

WASHINGTON, Sept. 15, 2010 – Marine Corps and education leaders presented scholarships to 25 sons and daughters of Marines killed or wounded in combat during the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation’s 2010 announcement reception here yesterday.

Marine Corps Assistant Commandant Gen. James F. Amos and Sgt. Maj. of the Marine Corps Carlton W. Kent took part in presenting the scholarships at the Library of Congress’ Great Hall.

“This scholarship has made it possible for me to only take one small student loan, which is amazing,” said Dalton M. Berrie, recipient of the 5th Marine Division Scholarship and a student at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Berrie, who will be studying to obtain a doctorate and to conduct tissue engineering research, said he went to the foundation in memory of his grandfather, Maj. Kendal B. Prettyman, who served on Iwo Jima.

This year, the foundation provided 1,423 scholarships worth $4.25 million, said Margaret B. Davis, president and CEO of the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation. Since 1962, the foundation has provided more than 25,000 scholarships worth more than $60 million.

Retired Marine Corps Gen. Robert Magnus, chairman of the foundation’s board of directors, said the reception recognized the scholarship recipients “as they embark on their own journey, discovering and learning.”

“There is no finer thing that we can do for them but to take care of their children,” he added.

Alyssa Blazer, an Oklahoma City Community College student and Heroes Tribute Scholarship recipient, lost her father, Staff Sgt. Melvin L. Blazer, while he was serving in Fallujah, Iraq, on Dec. 12, 2004. “Although the circumstances aren’t the best,” she said, “it lets me know I’m taken care of.” She said she is aiming to work for NASA as a microbiologist.

“Access to higher education is the main priority of this foundation,” said Scott D. Pearson of the Education Department’s office of innovation and improvement. “The foundation wants to ensure every military child gets an education.”

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