Monday, September 27, 2010

Continuing Promise 2010 Supports People of Panama

From Continuing Promise 2010 Public Affairs Office

PANAMA CITY, Panama (NNS) -- USS Iwo Jima's (LHD 7) Continuing Promise 2010 (CP10) team collaborated with the Panamanian Ministry of Health (MINSA) and the U.S. Embassy Sept. 27 to bring medical, veterinary and engineering services to the people of Panama.

CP10 is a humanitarian civic assistance (HCA) mission presently on a four-month, eight-port mission aboard Iwo Jima that provides HCA support to Central and South American host nations.

Specifically, CP10 offered ten days of medical, dental, optometry, veterinary, engineering and community relations support to Punta Pena and Malic in Bocas del Tora and Palma Real Ngabe Bugle Comarca, Panama.

More than 1,500 military and 18 civilians from five non-governmental organizations (NGOs) spent ten days in Panama in support of CP10. The NGOs include Project Hope, Give a Kid a Back Pack, National Nurses United, World Vets and The Greitens Group Foundation.

"In addition to providing valuable humanitarian assistance, our team of experts will train with and learn from the host nation to ensure future humanitarian assistance, foreign disaster relief should a natural disaster occur in the region," said CP10 Commodore, Capt. Thomas Negus. "This experience helps ensure U.S. and partner nation militaries are able to rapidly respond in support of future disaster response efforts."

Primary medical care, preventive medicine, dental and basic health education services were offered at the Rambala Maternity Clinic, Palma Real and Chiriqui Mali. The medical teams were at Palma Real and Chiriqui Mali for three days, while veterinary services roamed in the areas of Chiriqui Mali and Cilico Creek.

Navy engineers re-built a medical storage building, car port and installed a septic system at the E1 Cilico Creek School. The engineers also worked on projects at Silico Creek School. The mission also upgraded playground parks at Silico Creek, Santa Marta and Chiriqui Town.

"We are extremely excited about welcoming Continuing Promise 2010 to Panama," said Phyllis M. Powers, U.S. Ambassador in Panama. "Continuing Promise is yet another example of the friendship and cooperation that exists between our two countries. The military personnel and volunteers will provide an invaluable service to the people of the Ngabe Bugle Comarca and Bocas Del Toro."

Additionally, CP10 includes medical providers from Canada, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, France, Germany, Guatemala, Guyana, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay and Suriname.

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