Monday, August 23, 2010

Veterans encouraged to submit claims for retroactive stop loss

8/23/2010 - SAN ANTONIO (AFNS) -- In working closely with the Office of the Secretary of Defense staff on a congressional action involving veterans submitting claims for Retroactive Stop Loss Special Pay, major command and wing level officials are working to inform veterans who were affected by stop loss.

Eligible Airmen include those who served on active duty while their enlistment or period of obligated service was involuntarily extended, or whose eligibility for separation or retirement was suspended during Operation Enduring Freedom from Oct. 2, 2001, through Jan. 31, 2003, and Operation Iraqi Freedom from May 2 through Dec. 31, 2003.

"This is a mandatory final push to ensure we inform our Airmen and veterans about the retroactive stop loss claim," Air Force officials said. "It is understood that some bases may have already been complying with this, but there are still many veterans that have not submitted their claims to date."

The deadline for veterans to submit claims for RSLSP is October 21. Visit to get claims forms and instructions on how to file.

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