Monday, August 09, 2010

Special Duty Assignment Pay Deadlines Approach

From Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs

MILLINGTON, Tenn. (NNS) -- Approximately 8,000 Sailors were impacted by revisions to the Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) and the deadline for certification is Aug. 31.

While the revisions adjust SDAP levels for active and Reserve component full-time support (FTS) Sailors, the majority of SDAP pay remains unchanged from 2009.

"This process is critical to ensure that the Navy is accurately compensating Sailors for serving in uniquely challenging assignments," said Operations Specialist 1st Class (SW) Ace Sutton, Navy Personnel Command (NPC) Career Progression SDAP program manager. "Out of 133 line items, one single-level line item was deleted, one single line item was reduced. Twelve single line items were increased and 199 remain unchanged."

According to NAVADMIN 234/10, commanding officers are required to annually review and certify each Sailor's SDAP entitlement and that review is due by Aug. 31.

"Commands and Personnel Support Detachments are responsible for verifying each member is still eligible to receive SDAP and that each member is receiving the correct level," Sutton said. "Once the command has verified that everything is correct, they must submit their verification, signed by the commanding officer or officer-in-charge only to NPC's Active Enlisted Advancement/Conversions/Incentive Section (PERS-811). Failure to submit the annual recertification on time will result in the command having their members' SDAP shut off."

More than 26,000 Sailors receive SDAP each month. Those whose entitlements will be eliminated will receive half of their previous SDAP entitlement for 12 months, or until the Sailor completes their current tour, whichever comes first.

For more information on SDAP, visit, click on "Messages" and read NAVADMINs 230/10 and 234/10.

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