Friday, August 06, 2010

Acquisition Improvement Plan recaptures excellence

8/4/2010 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- When the Air Force Secretary and Chief of Staff signed the Acquisition Improvement Plan in May 2009, they launched a significant effort to help the service recapture acquisition excellence.

"A key element of this plan was the revitalization of the (Air Force) acquisition workforce," said Lt. Gen. Mark Shackelford, the military deputy to the assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition. "In fact, the emphasis on workforce improvements is one of the main differences between AIP and previous acquisition reform efforts.

In the past year, Air Force officials progressed towards their goal of a revitalized acquisition workforce, adding almost 2,000 positions at the various product centers, filling acquisition positions across the Air Force, and increasing training opportunities for acquisition personnel, General Shackelford said. Air Force Institute of Technology officials are supporting the AIP by creating new courses and increasing capacity in several existing courses, including the Intermediate Project Management Course (available to all acquisition professionals) and initial skills courses such as Fundamentals of Acquisition Management and the Mission-Ready Contracting Officer Course. Acquisition officials also achieved a 50-percent increase in its acclaimed Acquisition Leadership Challenge Program courses.

Along with expanded training opportunities for acquisition professionals, Air Force officials also offer personnel on acquisition coded positions 100 percent tuition assistance at accredited academic institutions, to satisfy the business hours and acquisition-related degrees (such as engineering, finance or business) needed for Acquisition Corps eligibility. Military members can apply through the Air Force Virtual Education Center via the Air Force Portal; civilians regardless of grade level should contact their respective career field team at the Air Force Personnel Center for details on how to apply.

Air Force officials still have many openings for civilian acquisition professionals, said Pat Hogan, the Air Force director of Acquisition Career Management. Openings at a variety of grade levels exist for program managers, engineers, logisticians, financial managers/cost estimators and contracting officers at acquisition locations across the country. In an effort with officials from the Office of Personnel Management, professional recruitment materials and websites are being developed for all acquisition centers. Recruitment websites are currently active and accepting resumes at the Electronic Systems Center ( and the Space and Missile Systems Center (; with others following soon.

"These are also great opportunities for military personnel who are transitioning to civilian life and want to continue using their acquisition skills and training," Mr. Hogan said. "Because of the immediate and high demand for qualified acquisition professionals, the Defense Department delegated an expedited hiring authority to significantly reduce the time required to fill these positions."

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