Monday, June 21, 2010

Taylor Delivers Project Handclasp Supplies to Albanian Pediatric Clinic

By Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class (AW) Edward S. Kessler, USS Taylor Public Affairs

June 21, 2010 DURRES, Albania (NNS) -- Sailors from USS Taylor (FFG 50) delivered Project Handclasp donations to the Ledi Diana Pediatric Clinic during a port visit to Durres June 16-17.

Ten Sailors delivered two pallets of medical and hygiene supplies to help more than 300 people regularly seen at the clinic.

Project Handclasp is a U.S. Navy program that receives, collects, consolidates and stores humanitarian, educational, and goodwill material for transportation on naval vessels and distribution by U.S. Navy and Marine Corps personnel on behalf of American citizens to people in need overseas.

Cmdr. Lyle Hall, Taylor's commanding officer, noted the hard work and dedication of the crew to the community relations projects. During his discussion with the doctors and nurses of Ledi Diana, Hall discussed how these projects demonstrate the Navy's commitment to a lasting partnership with the people of Albania via cross-cultural and community relations efforts.

"Taylor's crew is committed to community outreach programs" said Hall. "It is a great opportunity to be a part of this project and to be able to make a positive impact at the pediatric clinic."

Taylor's crew also toured of the facility to see how the donations would make an impact.

"We provided a lot of good supplies," said Sonar Technician (Surface) 2nd Class (SW) Christopher Tidmore. "They will help to improve hygiene for the children."

This port visit marks the first of three port visits in which Taylor's crew will deliver Project Handclasp supplies during its deployment.

Taylor, an Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate, is homeported in Mayport, Fla., and is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S. 6th Fleet Area of Responsibility.

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