Saturday, June 19, 2010

Children Inspire Father to Serve

By Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jeremy J. McClure
Iowa National Guard

June 18, 2010 - The newest flight surgeon in the Iowa Air National Guard's 185th Medical Group only just recently joined the military, but his family is very familiar with military life. Air Force Maj. (Dr.) Glenn Harden entered military service for the first time at age 56. His swearing-in ceremony took place with members of his family present at the 185th Air Refueling Wing here May 1.

His family includes a son, Josh Harden, who is an active-duty Marine and is married to an active-duty sailor, and a daughter, a former Army officer whose husband is an active-duty Marine Corps officer.

Harden said their service inspired him to serve his country, and they were very supportive of his decision.

"When I told my son-in-law about this, he said that the 185th is a great group and have flown his Marines out of Afghanistan," Harden said at his swearing-in ceremony.

Originally from Kansas, Harden was trained in medicine at the University of Kansas Medical School. He is board certified in emergency medicine and family practice. He also can be found in the emergency room at Mercy Medical Center here when he is not in uniform.

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