Friday, May 14, 2010

Is what we offer in professional military education always the best there is?

by R.A. Norton, Ph.D.

I recently wrote a book review of Ralph Peters’ new work, Endless War1 for The Wright Stuff. From a professional educator’s point of view, I believe it is an important volume because it questions some of the most deeply ingrained assumptions of Western thought.

Peters is a historian and an inveterate traveler. He is a storyteller and opines the world (including the West) remains largely ruled by tribes – an inescapable feature of mankind’s relatively short history. He notes that in spite of Western beliefs, what emerges in conflict, violent or not, is the preservation of tribe, family and religion. Everything else is secondary if not inconsequential. Understanding these three irrevocable loyalties – tribe, family and religion – provides the foundation to understand more accurately the real framework of the world.

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