Monday, May 10, 2010

DOD authorizes HSM for Haiti relief efforts

Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs Office

May 10, 2010 - RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas –The Department of Defense has approved the Humanitarian Service Medal for personnel assigned to Operation Unified Response who directly participated in humanitarian relief assistance to the people of Haiti following a 7.0 earthquake Jan. 12, 2010.

U.S. military personnel supporting Joint Task Force-Haiti, for at least one day between Jan. 13 to Feb. 4, must have been assigned to the immediate area of operation within the earthquake’s 41-mile radius of Port au Prince, Haiti.

Individuals who believe they are eligible for the HSM must provide source documents confirming their entitlement to the award to their unit commander or designated representative. The source documents include temporary duty orders, travel voucher, decoration citation, performance report, etc. Documents must show the operation being supported, location and duration of service in the qualifying area.

For more information on this and other Air Force recognition programs, visit the Air Force Personnel Center personnel services website or call the Air Force's 24/7 Total Force Service Center toll-free at (800) 525-0102.

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