5/11/2010 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Air Force officials announced May 11 the proposed force structure realignment for fiscal 2011. The proposal provides a summary of the civilian and military personnel changes and aircraft assignments at Air Force installations for the upcoming fiscal year. This announcement supersedes all previous announcements, including the January 2008 Roadmap.
"The Air Force continues to support new and emerging missions while making every effort to remedy the stress experienced by critically manned career fields," said Gen. Norton Schwartz, Air Force chief of staff. "This realignment emphasizes the strength and synergy of the total force -- active duty, Air National Guard and Reserve -- putting the right skills in the right place."
This force structure announcement addresses the Air Force's FY 2011 force structure, realignment and management actions supporting the FY 2011 President's Budget submission. This announcement outlines the civilian and military personnel changes and reassignment of aircraft at Air Force bases for the upcoming fiscal year and includes base and statewide summation impacts. It includes prior year programmatic actions that impact force structure in FY 2011, but doesn't include Future Years Defense Program data for FY 2012 and beyond. The document specifies the force structure changes experienced by the total force: active duty, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard.
Total force personnel changes include more than 13,000 people including approximately 2,450 active duty, 9,200 civilians, 1,300 Air Force Reserve and 220 Air National Guard positions. Prior year programmatic actions account for more than 90 percent of the changes experienced by the total force. Several prior-year actions were key drivers including contractor-to-civilian conversions, 34 percent; Base Realignment and Closure 2005 directed joint basing actions, 16 percent; Air Force Reserve end-strength increase, 12 percent; and increases in intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance manpower, 11 percent.
"These initiatives will continue to make more efficient use of Air Force resources and savings to the American taxpayer over the long term," General Schwartz said.
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