Sunday, April 18, 2010

She Wolf

Editor's Note:  The author is a former servicemember.

I learned to hate Sunday mornings. It wasn’t getting up at 4:30AM to deliver the Sunday paper. The problem was the dogs. In the early 1970s, when I was a paperboy, the newspaper came on weekday evenings, Saturday afternoons and Sunday Mornings. People’s dogs were much better behaved Monday through Saturday. At first, I thought the dogs were better behaved because during the week their owners were home. But it was more than that. I have often seen that painting of dogs playing cards. I was convinced that the dogs did indeed get together on Saturday nights and got all liquored up. They were mean, hung-over drunks on Sunday morning. I devised ways to avoid most, but there was one dog - a huge German Shepard I called She Wolf who had taken my delivery of the paper personally.

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