On May 9, 2006, Corey and his squad participated in Operation Iron Triangle, which took place in the dangerous Thar Thar region of Iraq. U.S. intelligence had confirmed that the area was 100% controlled by al Qaeda and was being used as a training camp. Corey and his squad were informed that the Rules of Engagement were to kill all military-aged males in the area. They were also told to expect heavy resistance because a Special Forces Unit had previously suffered casualties while in the area.
A Blackhawk helicopter dropped Corey’s squad off on an island consisting of two homes. The squad then approached one of the homes and discovered three military-aged males using two women as human shields. Corey’s squad handcuffed and detained the three men while the squad leader, Staff Sergeant Girouard, radioed Command to report the three detainees. The response was, “Why aren’t these terrorists dead yet?”
Girouard held a meeting of the entire squad. He then ordered Corey and another soldier, William Hunsaker, to kill the three detainees. Corey and Hunsaker were coincidentally the two lowest-ranked members of the squad.
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