Sunday, February 21, 2010


Editor's Note:  One of the authors is a former servicemember.

According to a recent reader of Leadership: Texas Hold ‘em Style, “I want to weigh in on this book written by Raymond Foster and his cohort Andrew Harvey. I returned to school last year after 30 years of working and raising my family. In the process I have bought a plethora of books in the last year or so. I bought this book as I studied leadership from a an academic point view as well as using it in my profession. I have enjoyed a great career in law enforcement and in recent years I find myself in positions of leadership, both at work and within our police union. With the advent of the current economic crash leadership skills are in huge demand. I can't believe I waited to read this book until now. I needed to read this book years ago as I found myself leading people through these times.

But hey, better late than never! The authors of this book are incredibly educated and insightful in their perceptions and philosophies on leadership. They are not writing from theory, they are writing from experience, adding to the credibility factor of this book! The poker analogies used in this book are awesome and very to the point. They take the topic of leadership and deliver their thoughts in a down to earth fashion that anyone can comprehend and apply. This book is so easy to read but yet makes one ponder and consider some very insightful principles. They both have had success in their lives and know from which they speak. I would recommend this book to anyone considering taking a leadership role. It is a meat and potato approach that should be mandatory reading for every leadership course.

Buy it, read it, apply it, and live it! Great book!

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