Thursday, February 25, 2010

DOD Announces Fubini Award Recipient

February 25, 2010 - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates presented today the Eugene G. Fubini Award for 2009 to James R. Schlesinger in the ceremony at the Pentagon. The award was established in 1996 by then-Secretary of Defense William J. Perry to recognize each year an individual from the private sector who has made highly significant contributions to the Department of Defense in an advisory capacity over a period of time. Eugene Fubini, the first recipient of the award, was known for his innovation, willingness to tell leadership what they needed to hear, and fearless and powerful perseverance in providing independent advice.

Over the years, Schlesinger has given freely of his time to DoD advisory activities, including a longstanding tenure as a member the Defense Policy Board and service on several DSB task forces.

He compiled a long standing history of work with the DSB including notable work on the Task Force on the Future of the Global Positioning System. The study resulted in the revitalization of the DoD's GPS program.

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