Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Department of Military Affairs furlough day set for Monday, Feb. 15

February 10, 2010 - Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs (DMA) will operate on a limited basis Monday, Feb. 15, as state employees take one of 16 furlough days required for all state workers in the next two years. President's Day (Feb. 15) is also a federal holiday. DMA will resume regular business hours Tuesday, Feb. 16.

The Department of Military Affairs includes Joint Force Headquarters-Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Army and Air National Guard, and the Wisconsin Division of Emergency Management. Wisconsin National Guard federal employees are not furloughed.

Brig. Gen. Don Dunbar, the adjutant general of Wisconsin, said the Wisconsin National Guard's Joint Operations Center (JOC) and the 24-Hour Emergency Management Duty Officer System will remain fully operational. Edward Wall, WEM Administrator, has ensured that if a disaster or emergency should occur on Feb. 15, there will be staff available to respond to the scene and to work in the state Emergency Operations Center.

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