Friday, January 08, 2010

Toolkit Helps Answer Service Members’ Health Care Questions

January 07, 2010 One in five service members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan suffers from major depression or post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to the Department of Veterans Affairs National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.

To help service members affected by a behavioral or other health condition, TRICARE created the Toolkit for Wounded, Ill, and Injured Service Members. The Toolkit is located at and it’s a good resource for wounded service members seeking information about healthcare.

In the Toolkit, service members can find information explaining Medicare eligibility for wounded service members and an explanation of how TRICARE and Medicare work together to reduce a service member’s out-of-pocket costs. There are also news releases with the latest information on new programs and changes in care and a link to the Mental Health Resource Center. The Mental Health Resource Center provides confidential access to mental health resources for service members and their loved ones.

The Toolkit also features a widget—an embeddable link directing people back to the Toolkit Web site. Visitors can download the widget and install it on their own Web site, to help spread the word about the Wounded, Ill and Injured Toolkit to others who can benefit from its resources.

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