Thursday, January 21, 2010

Military Health System to Convene 2010 Conference

January 21, 2010 - Falls Church, Va. – The 2010 Military Health System (MHS) Conference will be held January 25-28, 2010 at the Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland. The theme of the conference is “Sharing Knowledge: Achieving Breakthrough Performance.” Each day will feature its own educational theme, centering on achievements and performance in health-care delivery, research, education and training.

“The 2010 MHS Conference is a chance for us to embrace the challenge of evolving as a learning organization,” said Ellen P. Embrey, performing the duties of the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs. “We are constantly seeking to enhance our health care delivery. The conference provides a platform to share knowledge and improve best practices. Our health care, medical research, and medical education and training positively impact the daily lives of millions of service members, veterans and their families.”

More than three-thousand military and civilian medical personnel from the MHS, partner agencies and industry are expected to attend, creating an opportunity to share knowledge and improve best practices. As a learning organization, the MHS expects its 2010 conference to promote professionalism across the force, enhance partnerships within and outside the federal sector, and focus on ways to best serve the preventive and health-care needs of our diverse beneficiary population.

The conference will include both internal and external/industry exhibitors whose missions have a focus that is aligned with the MHS mission. Further conference details, including biographies of plenary speakers, can be found on the Military Health System Web site at

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