Monday, December 07, 2009

Louisiana Guardsmen take on undefeated Saints

By Sgt. Michael L. Owens
Louisiana National Guard

The Guardsmen and players were part of the "Pros vs. G.I. Joes" event, playing each other in games, such as "Call of Duty" and "Guitar Hero."

"We know that the troops work hard to protect us and our country, so we have events like this to say thank you and show our appreciation," said Addie Zinone, co-founder of the event and member of the Army Reserve.

The Saints were happy to be there and show their off-the-field skills to the Guardsmen after showcasing their on-the-field talents in a win against the New England Patriots the night before.

"It is always fun to do events like this," said cornerback Mike McKenzie. "Supporting and appreciating our Troops is what it's all about."

The Guardsmen were excited to get the chance to meet the players, especially during this historic season.

"I have been a Saints fan all my life," said Staff Sgt. Ronald J. Bonin of the 1st Battalion, 141st Field Artillery Regiment. "To be here is very special for me. It's just unbelievable!"

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