Monday, December 14, 2009

JMESI Distance Learning Celebrates 10,000th Student

On Dec. 1 the Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute (JMESI) Strategic Communication Distance Learning Program celebrated the enrollment of its 10,000th student! The program began in December of 2001.

The program was developed as a module-based learning environment using content in support of the 39 core competencies required for Military Health System leadership positions. Modules are designed to provide new information and knowledge, enhancement and reinforcement to existing knowledge, and sustainment. They also serve as a desk reference
for just-in-time learning.

Course directors from several traditional face-to-face courses are now using a combination of the modules as a “phase one” for their courses.

Additionally, the modules support the Quadrennial Defense Review 2006 initiatives for leader development and lifelong learning for officers, enlisted and civilian personnel. The Distance Learning Program audience consists of individuals in all three services, both active and reserve; the Department of Veterans Affairs, the U.S. Public Health Service, the Coast Guard, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and select International Students.

You can access the JMESI Web site at

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